
CCNP Security Certification

SECURE 642-637

25 labs to help you prepare your Cisco SECURE Certification.
Each lab coms with a PDF file, a fully operational topology, and initial configuration which are already injected into each device. The PDF file explains what you need to do, how you may do it, what are the differences between each option, the results expected, and how you may check the results obtained.
Many topics covered
From AAA to VPNs, including CoPP, FPM, uRPF, MPP, VTI, DMVPN, Eazy VPN, CBAC and ZBF. [Note : includes 5 labs in French under translation]
Efficency guaranteed !
The first time, you may want to do the labs reading the PDF file. The second time, you can try to get the same result without checking the PDF file, and see if all protocols, configuration commands and show commands are becoming an easy game to play on Cisco devices.
Price: $55 for 130 heures.